YODHA is a unique blend of Microbes and Enzymes which is beneficial for decomposing Soil Organic Matter. It helps increase the availability of minerals and nutrients to the plants from organic sources which leads to minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers. Microbes present in the product secret acids from their body which helps in the degradation of nutrients and minerals. It helps in activating microbial activity in the soil. It helps enhance biochemical reactions in the soil, which leads to an increase in the soil porosity. It helps in improving soil water holding capacity which helps in drought situations. It helps in maintaining plant stability.
Method of Application and Recommend Dose: –
· It can be applied directly as a single product or along with any microbial solutions only through drip.
· Recommended to use twice in a year for better soil health.
· Mode of Application – Drip or drenching
· Application Dose –Drip – 5 Liter / Acre
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