Tiron NPK 888 (1L)
Tiron NPK helps in boosts the vegetative growth by improving photosynthesis activity. Tiron NPK provides balanced nutrients to crops like Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium for Sugar cane crop.
Benefits of Tiron NPK –
1. `Tiron NPK helps in reducing nutrient losses as compared to bulk fertilizers.
2. Tiron NPK helps in enhancing the growth and development of crops.
3. Tiron NPK helps in the quick availability of macro nutrients to crops.
Method of Application and Recommend Dose: –
· It can be applied directly as a single product and also along with any chemical insecticide or other PGN / PGR.
· Recommended 2 to 3 times during the growth and development stage of the crop.
· Mode of Application – Drip
· Application Dose – 2 Liter / Acre
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